Sunday, 14 December 2008

Eid Mubarak 2008 - Episode 2

okay, for this 2nd episode i'll just summarize it in bullet points. easy to read, yet save me time. Heeeee~ oh, anyways, it's all abouut the second day raya and onwards. the special episode on open houses will also be posted soon.

the highlights ;

* suprisingly, my sissy, Raedz Ramlee arrived in Brunei safely around 1 Pm.
* Babak cooked some foods.

* More people were coming.
* Oh. still celebrating and enjoying raya at neneks'.
* Busy. Busy. Busy.


* We, as in 7293 Family 'berayaa' to some of neneks' cousies and siblings.
* Fun.
*Ada kena gave angpaoo. HAHA.
* Tired.
* Hmmmm, lupa alreadyy. HEEHE. :$
* Oh, i wore baju kurong that is 0range-brown in colourr.

NazEz Ramlee & Raedz Ramlee.

Evi Ramlee, Areel Zulfadhli, Zulfadhli Hamdi

Nenek Eboy, Mommy & Nenek Egurl.



The highlights;

* Us, went to Tutong and some other places to visit the family from my dad's side.

* A very fine day but tiring.

* Get to know my "saudara-jauh'' well. HAHA. :P

* Visited Kubur Momma (my nenek girl/ babah's momma) in tutong. Al-Fatihah.

*Most of the places we went are in Penanjong Tutong.

* My brother, Munir Ramlee Couldn't join us because he had to work.


Okay, that's all fer now,


Friday, 5 December 2008

Eid Mubarak 2008 - Episode 1

As promised, i'd love to share with y'all about my so-happening-eid mubarak. :D

Oh. Lemme start with first day of the Hari Raya;
The first day of Raya went super-duper great! Yknw, as usual, my family as in the RR's went to nenek's house in Serusoppe. We celebrated our raya for the whole day there. Babah cooked many types of food like soto, hati buyah, ayam, and more. (i'm malas to list out all altho i remember them all) It was kinda an open house lah kali tapi inda official. haha. apakan~ As usual, every year, i'm the one who always ask by nenek egirl to give all the goodies bags and 'angpao' to all the kids. I, basically, give only to the small ones. HAHA. Anyone who looks 'big' to me, sesiapun sajja. HAHA. Jahat~ Anyhoo, i also met all my cousies, nephews and niece. It was happening but sadly, my second sister, Ra'edzatul Ezwin, well, better-known as si Adek, wasn't there with us. She was in Singapore. She couldnt join us in Brunei cos she had to go to work. But wait, suprisee. HAHA. I'll cerita one by one, okay? Hee. Oh, not forgetting, as the youngest daughter in the family, and the second youngest grand-daughter in the family, i still got the angpao yknw. HAHA. Jgn jealous. All in all, i got about $100+ lah jua. HAHA. What else? well, it's a-day-a-must-to-remember.

okayy, i'll end this first episode with some pictures taken during the first day of raya, 2008.

Okay laah, enough fer now. yes, there are more pictures, but i'm lazy to upload. heee.
